Food Processing Industry
According to the vision of Honarable Chief Minister Sri. KCR garu and Minister for Industries Sri KTR on Food Processing, PACS Pothgal has decided to promote food processing industry.
As a result we are planning to set up a food processing industry with all the latest technology. In this industry around 15 to 20 products will be processed.

PACS Pothgal is committed to better health, in this process we are opening a outlet in Mustabad mandal head quarter to sell a wide range of 100 Millet and Millet related products.

ATM Machine
PACS Pothgal is setting up a ATM machine at office premises. The process is under way and waiting for NABARD permission.
Commercial complex and Godown at Gudem
PACS Pothgal is constructing a commercial complex and godown at Gudem Village.